Greener Streams: Sustainability in Video Streaming

We continue the theme of sustainability on the BDFI blog as we hear from Angeliki Katsenou, senior lecturer in networked media, about her research into the environmental impact of video streaming.  

Video technologies have become a central part of daily activities spanning from entertainment to remote working and to health services (1).

Image credit: 2023 Sandvine Report

However, as the world faces the challenges of climate change, resource depletion, and ecological degradation, it is imperative to scrutinize the environmental footprint of video technologies due to their significant resource consumption.  

Alongside the electronic user devices, the digital infrastructure, which includes data centres and telecommunication networks, demands vast amounts of energy and raw materials (2) 

Even more impactful than the distributed infrastructure are end-user display devices, in particular TVs, as the main contributor to the carbon footprint of video on demand (VoD) (3) 

Together, smartphones, tablets, laptops, TVs, and other devices utilised for accessing and viewing video content require significant electricity for their operation. Although ICT companies have been procuring renewable energy faster than any other part of the economy (4), the electricity powering user devices is not necessarily generated by renewable sources.  

Compression vs quality 

From an engineering perspective, we know that by reducing the amount of streamed visual content through compression, we can reduce the energy consumption.  

However, there is a trade off between the compression level and the resulting visual quality. The more we compress, the lower the delivered visual quality.  

But what if we could make streaming greener without sacrificing user experience? Our research focuses on the sustainability of video services, exploring the energy consumption of video technologies and identifying actionable strategies to reduce their carbon footprint.  

Understanding the Energy Profile of Video Technologies 

The journey began by designing a peer-to-peer streaming scenario for user-generated content (UGC)—the videos we share daily. By isolating the video coding and decoding processes, we established a benchmark for energy consumption using both software and hardware-based power measurement frameworks.  

While software tools are cost-effective and accessible, hardware meters offer greater precision at a higher price. Through rigorous statistical analysis, we demonstrated a strong correlation between these methods, paving the way for reliable energy assessments.  

One of our breakthrough achievements was an energy-driven optimization of video streaming solutions. By fine-tuning parameters, we achieved a 30% reduction in energy consumption with negligible impact on video quality.  

Additionally, we simulated real-world scenarios, such as lowering video resolution from Full HD to HD for a month. Although this intervention yielded only minor carbon savings for short-term changes, it highlights the potential of such strategies when scaled globally or over longer periods. 

Driving Impact: Papers, Proposals, and Collaborations 

Our research has resulted in several impactful contributions to the field, including: 

– Publications: Papers presented at PCS 2024 (5), QoMEX 2024 (6), and IEEE ICIP 2024 (7), focusing on carbon reduction in video streaming and energy-aware optimisations. These efforts have also led to invitations for tutorials, special sessions, and journal contributions, amplifying the conversation on sustainable video technologies. 

– Collaborations: Partnerships with leading institutions like Fraunhofer HHI (8), academic partners such as RWTH, NTNU, and industry leaders like Tencent, advancing energy-driven video streaming solutions were initiated and led to the submission of a Horizon 2020 MSCA Training Network proposal. 

This blog serves the purpose of an open call to any interested party for collaboration in this field. Please leave a comment or contact to discuss further.


[1] Sanvdine, ‘‘The Global Internet Phenomena Report March 2024.

[2] J. Malmodin, N. Lövehagen, P. Bergmark, and D. Lundén, ‘‘ICT sector electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions – 2020 outcome,’’ Telecommunications Policy, p. 102701, 1, 2024.

[3] Carbon Trust, ‘‘Carbon impact of video streaming,’’ 2021.

[4] World Bank, ‘‘Measuring the emissions and energy footprint of the ICT sector: Implications for climate action,’’ 2023.

[5] A. Katsenou, X. Wang, D. Schien, and D. Bull, ‘‘Comparative Study of Hardware and Software Power Measurements in Video Compression,’’ in 2024 Picture Coding Symposium (PCS).

[6] D. Schien, P. Shabajee, H. Akyol, L. Benson, and A. Katsenou, ‘‘Assessing the Carbon Reduction Potential for Video Streaming from Short-Term Coding Changes,’’ in Proc. 15th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), 2024.

[7] A. Katsenou, X. Wang, D. Schien and D. Bull, “Rate-Quality or Energy-Quality Pareto Fronts for Adaptive Video Streaming?,” 2024 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP).

[8] A. Katsenou, V. Menon, A. wieckowski, B. Bross, D. Marpe, “Decoding Complexity-Rate-Quality Pareto-Front for Adaptive VVC Streaming”, in 2024 IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP).

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